How to Get Preapproved for a Mortgage

Finding the right mortgage can take you out of your comfort zone. Feel at home with a credit union you can trust — Cal Coast!

Get your preapproval letter in as little as 24 hours.

Looking to buy a home? Congratulations! 一份预批准信可以帮助你在你的能力范围内购买房屋,并向卖家表明你是一个认真的买家. Read the article below to learn how to get preapproved fast.

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(858) 636-3045 Mon-Fri, 9am - 4pm

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A one-on-one call with a Mortgage Loan Officer can be extremely helpful. You can ask questions and even submit your application over the phone.

Understand the ins and outs

Familiarize yourself with the home buying process.

Having the right action plan can make buying a home a lot easier. To learn more scroll down and explore our comprehensive preapproval guide.

6 Steps to Get Preapproved for a Home Loan

Having the right action plan can make buying a home a lot easier. 探索这个循序渐进的指南,以更好地了解预批准过程的来龙去脉.


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1. Polish Your Credit Score.

你的信用评分是帮助决定你有资格获得抵押贷款利率的一个因素. When applying for a mortgage preapproval we recommend a credit score of at least 680, but you'll want to get your score as high as possible.

一般来说,信用评分达到740分以上,你就有资格获得最优惠的抵押贷款利率. 也就是说,如果你的分数是740分,你的抵押贷款选择可能没有区别. 840.

2. Connect with a Mortgage Loan Officer.

You may find yourself faced with questions like:

  • How much home can I afford?
  • What's the lowest interest rate I can get?
  • What should my down payment be?

按揭贷款专员是经过培训的持牌专业人员,可以帮助您回答这些问题. 他们的工作是协助您完成贷款流程,并帮助您找到适合您独特情况的贷款. You'll get advice specific to your financial goals and, after an initial conversation, you should have a good idea of your home financing options. 

在加州海岸,我们的抵押贷款人员不会以任何方式鼓励一种贷款超过另一种贷款. This means you can rest assured they have your best interest in mind.


Ready to get started?

Thank you for your home loan inquiry! 加州海岸抵押贷款官员将在一个工作日内与您联系,帮助您进行预批准. 如果您想尽快与某人交谈,请随时拨打858-636-3045(周一至五,上午9点至下午4点).



What type of housing are you looking to purchase?
How will the property be used?
Estimated credit score?
What is your preferred method of contact? Select all that apply.


3. Determine Your Payment Comfort Level.             

During your initial conversation, 你的抵押贷款官会让你知道你可能被批准的最高财产价值. This can make it easy to search for homes within your budget. However, 仅仅因为你有资格获得一定数额的贷款,并不意味着你有理由购买尽可能昂贵的房子. 你的预算应该基于你的舒适程度和你每月能付多少钱. 你不想每个月都被一笔巨额的抵押贷款所困.

衡量你的舒适程度的一种方法是预算你的财务状况,就好像你有抵押贷款要支付一样. 如果你目前正在租房,只需从你的目标月供中减去你的租金,把剩下的存起来. This can give you insight on your payment comfort level as well as help you save.

4. Research Your Local Housing Market.

Armed with a realistic budget, you can start to narrow down your housing options. If you're planning to buy in Southern California, try Cal Coast’s Home Rewards search engine 在哪里您可以访问最新的列表,并获得个性化的提醒,当新的家庭列表可用. 您也可以通过直接点击下面的链接并选择现在注册,从专门的房地产经纪人那里获得专家指导. Once you find a home you're interested in, you can create an account (takes 30 seconds) and get paired with a trusted agent.

Get paired with a local real estate agent

5. Gather your financial records and work with your Mortgage Loan Officer to apply.

一旦你对当地的房地产市场有了一定的了解,你就应该与你的抵押贷款官员取得联系,正式申请你的预先批准. 如果你不想去分行,你的按揭信贷员可以通过电话接受你的申请. 我们的许多会员发现这种选择很方便,因为整个过程可以在舒适的家中完成. To reach your Mortgage Loan Officer you can call 858-636-3045 (Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm) or schedule an appointment when it's convenient for you. To schedule a Saturday appointment please email

You can also apply by visiting a Cal Coast branch in person. 在分行,只要让出纳员知道你正在寻求抵押贷款的预先批准,他们就会把你和一个韦德体育开户理财代表配对,他会从那里接手. To avoid repeat trips try to bring as much documentation as possible! Feel free to use our interactive map to find a branch near you.

当你申请抵押贷款预批准时,你会被要求提供某些文件的副本. If you have your documents ready, you could have your Cal Coast Preapproval Letter in-hand in as little as 24 hours. These documents allow us to verify your information, 这样我们就可以为您提供准确的利率和正式的预批准函.

Here's a list of documents you will need to get started:

  • Last year's federal tax returns
  • Pay stubs for the last 30 days
  • W-2s for the past 2 years
  • Most recent one month bank statement for all accounts being used for funds to close

There's no need to worry if you don't have access to a photocopier. 您可以把您的文件带到任何一家分行,我们的工作人员都可以为您办理. Depending on your situation you may be asked to provide additional forms.

If you're having trouble tracking down a particular document, don't let that discourage you from starting an application. Your Mortgage Loan Officer may be able to find an alternative solution, so be sure keep them in the loop!

6. Receive your custom Preapproval Letter and shop homes with confidence!

在申请过程中,你的按揭贷款主任将决定你有哪些贷款选择, based on the information you provide. 他们将与您合作,找到合适的贷款,以满足您的需求和财务目标. Once you've chosen a loan program, and feel confident in your decision, 您的抵押贷款官员将为您创建一个定制的预批准信,包括在您的报价包中.

A Preapproval Letter lets sellers know that you are a serious candidate, with the financial means to follow through with the purchase. 如果买家没有得到预先批准,许多卖家甚至不会考虑他们的申请.


  • Interest rate
  • Length of the loan
  • Maximum loan amount you qualify for
  • Maximum monthly payment you qualify for

Typically, 预批准有效期为90天,因为这是信用报告到期所需的时间. If you need more time it's not a big deal  只要让你的抵押贷款官知道,他们会很乐意帮你延期.

Cal Coast Home Rewards



  1. Rebate is awarded by Home Rewards Group, Inc. 在Home Rewards网络中选择并使用房地产代理的买家和卖家. Rebate is 20% for purchase only of a residential property. Payment is credited to your benefit at the close of transaction. 使用加州海岸信用合作社抵押贷款并不是获得回扣的必要条件. Purchase price must be greater than $150,000. 所有返利均受限制、贷方指导方针、州法律和其他要求的约束. Certain properties may not be eligible for rebates. 请向合格的税务专业人士咨询有关收到退税的税务影响. Home Rewards Group, Inc. is not affiliated with California Coast Credit Union. Subject to change without notice.

Don't be a stranger, we're your neighbor

对你的账户有疑问,申请贷款,或者你准备讨论再融资? Whatever your question or need, 我们的会员服务中心随时恭候您的光临 your best interest at heart. 

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